The LEHMAN, Lee & Xu China
Visa & Immigration Newsletter
keeps you up to date on recent developments in China inbound and outbound Visa & Immigration
Shanghai's Growth Attracts Multinational Companies
Shanghai attracted $18.5 billion in overseas investment in 2016, making its 17th consecutive year of growth. Overseas investments in the city's service sector exceeded $16.3 billion, a year-on-year increase of 2.5 percent. Year-on-year growth of rental and business services was $4.7 billion, making it the sector with the most overseas investment.
The foreign investment in the financial services sector, information services, technological research, and healthcare sectors each grew more than 20%. Energy, materials and manufacturing are also sectors which saw growth.
More foreign companies arrived to launch their branches or head offices in Shanghai as a major step to entering the Chinese market, the city attracts more skilled and expert staff and technological innovation. By the end of 2016, the city was home to the regional headquarters of 580 companies. The city also boasts 411 Research and Development centers.
With multinational companies come expatriates and Shanghai is certainly a hot spot for corporate immigration. While China is tightening up its visa rules, employees with high technology and management skills are encouraged to reside in China. Companies seeking to relocate employees should be aware of China compliance issues. As a Chinese law firm, LEHMAN, LEE & XU is uniquely placed to service the global compliance needs of multinationals in immigration. 
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10-2 Liangmaqiao Diplomatic Compound
No.22 Dongfang East Road Chaoyang District
Beijing 100600 China
Tel: (86)(10) 8532-1919
Fax: (86)(10) 8532-1999

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